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SSRI Review: Tropical Fuck Storm's EP, Submersive Behavior

Out February of 2023, Submersive Behavior is described by Joyful Noise, the label that released the record, as “[Tropical Fuck Storm’s] take on the tried and true ‘covers record’ concept. Over the course of 36 minutes, TFS puts their deranged spin on classics by Jimi Hendrix, Middle Aged in the Middle East in the Middle Ages, Men Men Menstruation, Compliments to the Chef, and The Stooges.” While the album is bookended by two bonafide covers (Hendrix and the Stooges), the remaining tracks are covers of made-up bands, complete with made-up origin stories on the back cover art.

If you’ve not yet acclimated yourself to the avant garde and wholly unique style of TFS, the opening track, a cover of Hendrix’s “A Merman I Shall Return To Be,” might give you the false impression that you’re in for a smooth ride. This is short lived, as the track begins devolving gradually into the maniacal, gelatinous style that has become their fingerprint. The remaining non-cover tracks (Moonburn, previously released on a cassette of the same name, The Golden Ratio, a brand new track, and Aspirin Slight Return, a new take on a track off Braindrops) are a raucous adventure in the style that fans of TFS have come to know and love.

If you’re a TFS fan, you’ll most likely love this EP. If Submersive Behavior is your first foray into the band, listening to this album might make you feel like you’ve had a cold bucket of water thrown on your face. In either scenario, it’s an experience that is worth at least one listen. And who knows? It might even grab you enough to come back for more.


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